MBC Care Ministry
Our goal is to show the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ to those in our church body with spiritual, physical, emotional, and practical needs to ensure nobody who is going through challenges in life walks alone.
Transportation - We understand there are times when transportation is unavailable, and we want to help lift this burden for you and help make sure you can make it to our church services and events. Driving to doctor visits can be burdensome, especially in the L.A., Bakersfield, or Lancaster area. The members of our Care Ministry may be available to share this burden with you to ensure you arrive at your appointments on time. We need to know the person’s name, phone number, the location they need transportation, and the date and time they need to be there.
Visitations - Hospital stays or extended care can be very anxious times. Our Care Ministry is ready to visit you or one of your loved ones who is unable to attend church, is hospitalized, or is in an extended care facility and would like someone from our church to visit and pray with them.
Meals - There are times when preparing a meal and taking it to someone just makes sense. For example, sometimes a church member may need some assistance in meal planning post-surgery, or who is going through challenging times of transition. Let us help you in this area.
Communion Delivery - The Lord Jesus taught us that as often as we partake in the Lord’s table to do it in remembrance of Him. It is frustrating not to be able to partake in communion with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The Care Ministry would like to bring communion to our shut-ins and share in the elements together as the body of Christ. Please let us know if you would like someone to bring communion to your home, hospital, or nursing home.
Benevolence - Every 5th Sunday we collect money for our Deacon’s Fund. This fund is primarily for our regular attenders and church members, but we also consider requests from the local community. Please email the church office at info@mountainbiblechurch.org or stop by the office during normal hours and pick up an application. Fill out the application and submit it to our office manager in person or by email. She will set up an interview with each applicant asking for financial assistance to determine how we can help. Expect to wait. It could take up to one week to verify applications. Once we have determined how we can help, we will contact the applicant. We do not promise that help may always be given. Any assistance that will be given will be in the form of a check made out to the landlord or service provider, never to the applicant. If food is needed, a person may stop by the church office and collect one single bag of groceries each week from our food pantry.
Spiritual Guidance and Prayer - Often times people will need to seek guidance from an elder, pastor, or spiritual guide outside of their small group. Each elder is experienced in giving biblical counsel and can help someone with a range of issues. We understand that it is sometimes appropriate to have a female available to counsel and pray with females. Godly women are available to meet, give biblical guidance, and pray with you. Even though Jesus is bigger than any problem we face, at times an elder, pastor, or guide may need to make a recommendation to seek expert help from a trained specialist.
If you are in need of one of our ministries, please email the church office at info@mountainbiblechurch.org or call the church office at (661) 822-7541. If you call outside of normal office hours please leave a message and we will get back with you.